Buttrock February, Etc., Music

Buttrock February – Day 16: ‘Hatchet Rydaz’ by Anarchist Vampire

Is that clown makeup, or does he just play TERA Online all day?

Is this even fair?

I don’t think this is very fair.

It’s like picking on the kid in the helmet at school.

It’s like playing keepaway from Vern Troyer, holding him back by his bald babyhead while shaking the bottle of vodka he was nursing just out of reach at foots length.

It’s like writing about how crappy Vanilla Ice is.

In other words, it’s like picking on the handicapped.

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Buttrock February, Etc., Music

Buttrock February – Day 13: ‘Fat Lip’ by Sum 41

Spiked hair? Check. Track suit? Check. A bunch of underage kids hanging around a liquor store? Check. Looks like a pop-punk music video by the numbers.

Yesterday (shh…) we discussed the utter destruction of the punk rock scene by the hands of suburbanite pop stars from Southern California.

Today, we discuss the pissing on the headstone of the punk rock scene by the hands of suburbanite pop stars from Ontario, Canada.

Punk rock was the casualty of society.

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Buttrock February, Etc., Music

Buttrock February – Day 12: ‘All The Small Things’ by Blink-182


In the late 90’s, there arose not only the beginnings of rap-rock nu-metal, but also the beginnings of pop-punk.  The punk scene of the 80’s and 90’s born from the hard edges of FEAR and Black Flag had since been dulled, and now all we have left is…


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Buttrock February, Etc., Music

Buttrock February – Day 10: ‘Switchback’ by Celldweller

The reaction I get whenever I bring up Celldweller.

Now, I do understand that this is a bit unfair.  You are probably actively asking yourself who the fuck this is with what song when.  And I fully understand that reaction.

Trust me, friend.  You may not have heard of this band, but you certainly have heard this song at least once.

You’ve heard this song, whether you wanted to or not.

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Buttrock February, Etc., Music

Buttrock February – Day 9: ‘Alive’ by POD

Dazed and confused, lead singer Sonny Sandovol looks to the sun, wherein he burns his retinas

It’s a bit unfair to pick on Christian altrock.  After all, bands dedicated to singing songs about J-Creezy kind of have to hit as wide of a base as possible.  Otherwise, they risk alienating their Christian base.  Every once in a while, though, you go so wide that you hit mainstream success.  Having rocked it since the early 90’s, P.O.D. finally struck gold in 2001 with an album that would eventually go RIAA-certified Platinum three times.

As it turns out, the secret to success consists of a combination of highly positive messages and really generic power chords.

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Buttrock February, Etc., Music

Buttrock February – Day 8: ‘It’s My Life’ by Bon Jovi

They’ve seen a million faces and have rocked them all.

Apparently none of those faces were the faces of music critics, who have long panned the famous ultra-romantic New Jersey band.  Still, even the most beloved 80’s metal hair bands have long since gone, and Bon Jovi still stands tall.  Probably due to radio friendly buttrock like this.

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